Retirement in Iran
My father is 84 years old and my mom is 75 years old. They are not retired! They did not have money to contribute towards their pension during their working life so they do not have pension and they do not have income. They are many people like my parents who live under poverty line. Most of them live under US 1 dollar a day.
Iranian government does not offer pension for people age 62 years old or older if they have not contributed 30 years towards their pension. I am wondering where does the money that comes from exporting oil and minerals goes?
Did you know that Ayatollahs do not retire at all? They get salary from the moment they become Ayatollah until death. They never retire. They do not do anything either. They get political positions, positions in seminary schools, Islamic and intelligence departments in government organizations and positions in Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Besides they are in mosques! They get salary for their whole life. They suck the life out of GDP.
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