
Iranians shouting for democracy and equality

During the protests in Iran, people were and are shouting for democracy and equality. They shout specifically: "No king, No leader, Democracy, Equality". It shows people are fed up with dictatorships and corrupted regimes. They want better and they deserve better.  

Iranian government cut his hand and leg for theft

The hand and leg of the man in the photo has been cut by Iranian judiciary because he was thief. He was stealing sheep. Tell me if this is not barbaric. People in Iran are poor and they need food to eat. They do whatever they can so they can feed their families. Economy is in terrible shape and not helping people. This is Islam. It is in Islam laws. I do not want this for anybody and I am against it. Authorities amputate hand of convicted thief in Iran

Ayatollah attacking Nowruz Iranian New Year

Ayatollahs consistently attacking Iranian traditions throughout history. They have been attacking Nowruz too. Nowruz is Iranian New Year. People celebrate coming of new year during that time. In following video an Ayatollah is attacking Nowruz and saying:  "Nowruz is a celebration for Zoroastrians, but our Eid is Eid al-Fitr, Eid Ghadir, Eid al-Adha and Eid Mubaat because it has a rational aspect! The grass that comes out of the ground is for cows and donkeys who graze better, not for me. I am not a grass eater to be happy to see grass!" Thanks to the original Youtuber for posting the video.

Take people to heaven with chains

Ayatollah Khomeini saying "The Prophet said that we should take people to heaven with chains. He is so sad that they are not guided. The Islamic Republic must guide the people. Islam has come to lead the people as a shepherd leads his sheep and wants the sheep to graze in a good place."   I do not want to be guided. I have one life and I deserve to live in peace and without Islam. Thank you but no thank you. I do not want your religion! Thanks to this twitter account for posting the video.  

Execution of Mohsen Shekari

His crime was he fought two pro government militia (Basij force) and injured one them and he also blocked the road with his motorcycle. He was tortured and made a confession against himself. They executed him very quickly without giving him option to defend himself. Many people called his execution illegal. read in Persian

An Ayatollah inciting violence on state run TV

He says "we cannot reach to people who left the country but why not anyone do anything about people inside of Iran? why someone does not slap him on his face?"